ppc management costs

PPC Management Pricing: How Much to Expect in 2024

PPC Management Cost: Are you looking to get more sales or leads online without waiting months to years for SEO to manifest? Pay-Per-Click might be your knight. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) lets advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, as opposed to waiting years to earn visits organically through SEO. PPC covers a variety of platforms, with the most popular being search engines (like Google Ads) and social media platforms (like Facebook Ads). Next, we will talk about how PPC Management Pricing works in 2024 based on your account budget.

The Short Answer to PPC Management Pricing

PPC Pricing for Lower Budgets

For businesses with a smaller budget, the cost of PPC management can vary. Usually, for low-budget campaigns, the management fees might range from  $299 to $500 per month. The focus here is on maximizing a limited budget, often through highly targeted campaigns and careful keyword selection. businesses  with a low budget might prefer to work with freelancers or small agencies specializing in cost-effective strategies.

ppc management costs

Medium Budgets:

For medium-sized budgets, businesses can expect more comprehensive services depending on their advertiser. The monthly management fees for medium budgets could range from $2,000 to $10,000. This tier often involves more extensive keyword strategies, A/B testing, and a focus on optimizing conversions. The choice between a freelancer, small agency, or even a larger agency will depend on the specific needs and goals of the campaign.

High Budgets:

For large-scale campaigns with high budgets, PPC management costs can exceed $5,000 per month, often reaching $10,000 or more. These campaigns demand a high level of expertise, advanced tools, and often, a dedicated team focusing on the account. Large agencies or in-house teams are typically better suited for these types of campaigns.

Pricing Variations

Freelancer/ Small agencies  

Freelancers might charge lower fees, often ranging from $299 to $5,000 per month, depending on their expertise and the complexity of the campaign. They could be paid more or less. Freelancers with significant experience or specialization might charge towards the higher end of this range.

Small agencies might charge slightly higher fees, typically around $700 to $5,000 per month, depending on the pricing model chosen and the scope of the account

Larger to medium-sized agencies

Small to medium– sized agencies offer a balanced mix of personalized service and broader expertise, with fees typically falling in the middle of this range.

Large agencies offer extensive resources, sophisticated tools, and a team of experts, which is reflected in their higher fees.

In-house teams might involve substantial upfront costs (hiring, training, software subscriptions) but provide a high level of control and integration with the company’s overall marketing strategy.

The choice of whom to hire for PPC management – freelancers, agencies, or in-house teams – impacts pricing not just in terms of the cost itself but also in the value and type of service provided.

Everything You Need to Know About PPC Management Pricing

When it comes to PPC management pricing, it is important to understand the relationship between cost, value, and your strategy. This means that the strategy you use should depend on the value you wish to receive, which could determine your cost. At Bellringer Marketing, we charge based on the work and our value. We understand that we could always run to a bid strategy like max click, start with a $500 monthly budget, and hope for the best. However, that might only work depending on the business and given situations. Knowing our value, we only work with clients that spend over $2,500 monthly. Our strategy seems to be most effective starting at this price.

Next, we will talk about the critical factors that influence pricing, compare industry benchmarks, and examine the various pricing models used by experts. This insight will guide you in making informed decisions for your business.

Factors Influencing PPC Management Pricing

Campaign Complexity and Scope

One of the most significant determinants of PPC management pricing is the complexity and scope of the campaign. Complex campaigns usually involve a wide range of keywords, diverse ad formats, and multiple target audiences, requiring more time and expertise to manage effectively. Additionally, the scope of a campaign, which can include the number of products or services being advertised, the variety of ad platforms used, and the degree of customization required, directly impacts the cost. Larger campaigns with many moving parts demand more resources, leading to higher management fees.

Industry and Geographic Targeting

The industry in which a business operates influences PPC management costs. Some industries, like legal services, insurance, or pharmaceuticals, face more competition and higher costs per click (CPC), requiring more sophisticated strategies and, consequently, higher management fees. In contrast, less competitive industries might see lower CPCs and, thus, more affordable management costs.

Geographic targeting also plays a crucial role. Campaigns targeting large, highly competitive markets or multiple geographical locations often require more intricate strategies and localization efforts, driving up the cost of management. In contrast, campaigns focused on smaller, less competitive areas might incur lower costs.


The competitiveness of the market is a crucial factor. In highly competitive markets, standing out requires innovative strategies, continuous optimization, and in-depth analysis, all of which add to the cost of management. Businesses in these markets often need to invest more in PPC management to achieve the desired visibility and effectiveness.


Your budget plays a crucial role in determining your PPC management costs. Typically, a higher budget means you may incur higher fees, as managing larger budgets often requires creating more complex campaigns. Additionally, certain industries might face higher cost per click rates; for example, legal firms can pay up to $250 per click due to the competitive nature of their keywords.


Regarding your goals, managing a small campaign aimed at increasing traffic will likely be less expensive than handling an e-commerce brand that features multiple product pages and has a medium to large budget. The scale and complexity of your objectives significantly influence the cost of PPC management.

ppc management cost according to webfx.com

Industry Benchmarks: What Others Are Paying

Understanding the benchmarks in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) management pricing for 2024 is crucial for assessing how your advertisements compare with those of your competitors. These benchmarks offer great insights, enabling businesses to evaluate their PPC expenditures against industry standards. Below are the benchmarks for how much businesses are paying for PPC management in 2024 and how much to expect per industry. We got the graphs from Webfx.com.

PPC management pricing

Between 2023 – 2o24, we have noticed many changes that has changed the digital marketing landscape. We have noticed an increased in competition, the sunsetting of tools, a diverse CTR and conversion rates and more.

  1. Increased Competition and CPCs: Certain industries, particularly those with high-value transactions like legal, finance, and insurance, have witnessed increased competition and consequently higher Cost Per Clicks (CPCs). This trend suggests a more aggressive bidding environment, pushing up the overall management costs.
  2. Diverse CTR and Conversion Rates: Clickthrough Rates (CTRs) and Conversion Rates have varied significantly across industries, impacted by factors such as ad relevance, audience targeting precision, and landing page effectiveness. Industries with more compelling ad content and better-targeted campaigns have seen higher CTRs and conversion rates, impacting overall PPC management strategies and costs.
  3. There has been a trend of Google sunsetting features such as Universal Analytics and Expanded Search Ads, pushing certain match types for better targeting and user experience or pushing automation. These constant changes necessitates that PPC professionals continuously update their strategies and skills, which can increase PPC management costs. Agencies and freelancers need to invest more in learning and adapting to Google’s changes to remain effective.

All of these changes have led to the cost of PPC going up in some instances. Although the cost of PPC compared to 2023 has increased, the increase is not enough to refute the above date for 2024. Personally, over the last year, We have experienced about the same pricing at Bellringer ( not including customers that paid more due to increased management fee. With the goal of campaign improvement. Next, we will talk about choosing the right pricing model for business.

Choosing the right pricing model for your business

Choosing the right pricing model for PPC management depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the ad budget, the nature of the campaign, and the specific objectives of the business. By understanding the different pricing models available and their implications, businesses can make informed decisions that best suit their PPC campaign goals and financial considerations.

Pricing Models in PPC Management

PPC management services offer various pricing models, each with its own set of benefits and considerations. Understanding these models is crucial for businesses to make informed decisions that align with their advertising objectives and budget constraints.

Flat Fee Model

The flat fee model is straightforward – businesses pay a fixed monthly or annual fee for PPC management services. This model is often preferred for its predictability in budgeting. It’s ideal for companies that desire a consistent cost structure without the fluctuations that can accompany other pricing models. However, it might not always align with the scale of the campaign, as the fee remains constant regardless of the campaign’s performance or ad spend.

Percentage of Ad Spend

This model ties the management fee to a percentage of the total ad spend. Typically, the percentage ranges from 10% to 20% of the monthly ad spend. This model is beneficial as it aligns the interests of the PPC management service with the client – as the client’s ad spend increases, the service provider earns more, incentivizing them to optimize campaign performance. However, this can also mean higher costs for the client as the campaign scales up.

Performance-Based Pricing

Performance-based pricing is result-oriented, where fees are tied to specific campaign outcomes, such as achieving a certain number of leads, conversions, or a particular ROI. This model is highly attractive to businesses looking for a direct correlation between fees paid and value received. It motivates the PPC management service to focus on results, though it can be more complex to structure and implement.

Bellringer’s Approach: A Blend of Percentage of Ad Spend and Flat Fee

Bellringer adopts a hybrid model, combining the percentage of ad spend with a flat fee. This approach balances predictability and performance alignment. The flat fee component ensures a baseline level of service and campaign management, while the percentage of the ad spend allows for scaling and incentivizes performance optimization. This model offers a fair and scalable approach, suitable for businesses of various sizes and with different advertising budgets. It ensures clients are not overburdened with costs when starting or scaling small but also guarantees that the agency is incentivized to optimize and grow larger campaigns effectively.

Each PPC management pricing model has its unique advantages and fits different business needs. Companies should consider their campaign size, budget flexibility, and performance expectations when choosing the most appropriate model for their PPC campaigns.

The range of services in PPC management packages can significantly influence the campaign’s success. Businesses should ensure that the services included align with their campaign goals and budget. Higher investment typically opens doors to more advanced and comprehensive services, but essential elements like keyword research and basic monitoring should be non-negotiable components of any PPC management package.

Customization and Scalability: Impact on Pricing

The Role of Customization in PPC Management

Customization in PPC management involves tailoring strategies to work closely with a business’s specific goals, industry nuances, and target audience. This personalized approach can significantly influence pricing due to the additional resources, expertise, and time required to develop and implement a strategy. Custom campaigns may involve in-depth market research, unique keyword strategies, and specialized ad copy, all of which necessitate a higher level of involvement and expertise from the PPC management team.

Higher Costs for Greater Precision:

Customized strategies often incur higher costs because they demand more intensive research and testing. This includes experimenting with different ad formats, landing pages, audience segments to identify what yields the best results for the specific business, the kind of bidding strategy used, and more.

Long-Term Value: 

Tailored long term strategies are often more effective in reaching the desired audience and achieving specific business outcomes, potentially delivering a higher return on investment. However, initial customization might decrease conversion rates and increase initial cost.

Scalability and Its Impact on PPC Management Pricing

Scalability in PPC management refers to the ability to adjust campaign size and complexity in response to a business’s growth or changing objectives. Scalable strategies are crucial for businesses aiming to expand their market reach or adapt to dynamic market conditions.

Adaptability to Market Changes:

PPC strategies should be adaptable, allowing businesses to respond to market trends, seasonal changes, or shifts in consumer behavior. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining campaign effectiveness and can impact ongoing management and optimization efforts, and thus, pricing.

Overview of New Trends in PPC Landscape

The PPC landscape is constantly evolving, influenced by technological advancements, market dynamics, and consumer behavior. These changes not only affect strategies and tools but also have a significant impact on pricing models. As we move into 2024, several emerging trends are likely to shape the future of PPC management pricing.

AI and Machine Learning Integration

In recent years, we have seen google push AI and machine learning. In some cases, we have seen the  integration of AI and machine learning in PPC management streamline campaign management through automation and predictive analytics.  In time this efficiency might reduce the labor-intensive aspects of PPC management, potentially impacting pricing.

Higher Premium for Expertise:

However, as campaigns become more complex and data-driven, there’s an increased need for skilled professionals who can interpret  data and make strategic decisions. This expertise may command a higher premium.

Cross-Channel and Multifaceted Campaigns

Expanding Beyond Search Engines: PPC is no longer confined to traditional search engines. The rise of social media advertising and emerging digital platforms is expanding the scope of PPC campaigns. Management of these multifaceted campaigns across different platforms may influence pricing due to the additional complexity and expertise required.

Holistic Strategy Costs:

As businesses seek a more integrated approach, combining PPC with other digital marketing strategies like SEO and content marketing, the cost for comprehensive, all-encompassing strategies is likely to increase.

Privacy Regulations and Data Restrictions

Impact of Data Privacy Laws: Evolving data privacy regulations (like GDPR and CCPA) are affecting how businesses collect and use consumer data. Adapting to these changes requires more strategic planning and potentially new tools or methods, which could influence management costs.

Predictions for the Future of PPC Management Pricing

Customization and Scalability: Customization and scalability will remain critical, with businesses willing to pay more for tailored strategies that can adapt to their evolving needs.

Economic and Market Influences: Economic conditions and the competitive digital marketing landscape will continue to influence PPC management pricing. In a highly competitive market, businesses may need to invest more to stand out, impacting the overall cost.

The future of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) management pricing is poised for transformation, influenced by rapid technological advancements, the growing necessity for specialized skills, and the dynamic landscape of digital marketing strategies. These factors collectively drive businesses to stay abreast of market trends, enabling them to judiciously allocate their PPC budgets and select pricing models that align with their objectives.

Pricing models across  various industries

Transitioning into the practical application of these insights, my extensive experience across different sectors has allowed me to explore and use different pricing models to fit the requirements of businesses, freelancers or agencies. At Bellringer, our predominant models are retainers and a percentage of ad spend, though we’ve occasionally adapted to client preferences for hourly or performance-based pricing. In most cases, here is what we noticed:

Legal Firms:

Initially, legal firms are comfortable with a monthly retainer fee. This arrangement provides a stable foundation for both parties. Eventually, they might switch to a percentage of ad spend model, contingent upon the agency proving its effectiveness and aligning with the firm’s goals.

Home Improvement/Construction:

Companies in this sector often opt for a monthly retainer or a percentage of ad spend. This model ensures that marketing efforts are consistently supported and can scale with the company’s advertising budget.

SaaS (Software as a Service):

The SaaS industry is diverse in its pricing model preferences, incorporating monthly retainers, percentages of ad spend, and performance-based agreements. While the performance-based model—where agencies work for a share of the sales generated—is less common and not currently employed at Bellringer, it offers an incentive-aligned option for high-ticket items or services.


In the education sector, monthly retainers are the norm. Most companies we’ve engaged with prefer this straightforward, predictable billing method, allowing for a focused, long-term marketing strategy.


Similar to other industries, finance companies favor monthly retainers and percentages of ad spend. This model supports a flexible yet structured approach to managing advertising budgets and marketing initiatives.


The restaurant industry often employs monthly retainers and percentages of ad spend for their marketing efforts. However, at Bellringer, we exclusively work with clients on a monthly retainer basis. This decision is based on our strategy to provide consistent, quality service to our clients without the variability introduced by ad spend-based fees.

Each industry’s preference for a specific pricing model reflects its operational dynamics, risk tolerance, and marketing objectives. By understanding and adapting to these preferences, agencies and freelancers can create more effective, mutually beneficial relationships with their clients.

Sidenote: Here is a graph from WordStream showing the average cost of PPC across industries in 2024. We hope it helps when budgeting.

cost per industry according to wordstream

How to Maximize Your ROI with PPC

The Value of Partnering with a PPC Specialist

In the intricate world of pay-per-click advertising, achieving a maximum Return on Investment (ROI) requires more than just a cursory understanding of the process – it demands expertise, strategic planning, and continuous optimization. This is where the role of a PPC specialist becomes invaluable.

  1. Expertise and Experience: PPC specialists bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. They are adept at navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising, understanding the nuances of various platforms, and utilizing advanced tools and techniques. Their expertise ensures that your campaigns are optimized for the best performance.
  2. Strategic Approach: A PPC specialist goes beyond basic campaign setup. They develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your business goals, targets the right audience, and chooses the optimal keywords. This strategic approach is crucial for maximizing ROI.
  3. Time and Resource Efficiency: Managing PPC campaigns can be time-consuming and complex. By working with a specialist, you save significant time and resources. They handle the intricacies of campaign management, from continuous monitoring to data analysis and adjustments, freeing you to focus on other critical aspects of your business.
  4. Adaptability to Market Changes: PPC specialists are quick to adapt to market trends and changes, ensuring that your campaigns remain effective and competitive. Their proactive approach in responding to new opportunities and challenges is key to sustaining high ROI.
  5. Measurable Results and Transparency: With a PPC specialist, you get the benefit of measurable results and transparent reporting. They provide clear insights into how your campaigns are performing, what’s working, and what needs improvement, allowing for data-driven decisions.

To truly capitalize on the potential of PPC and maximize your ROI, partnering with a dedicated and skilled specialist like Bellringer is a strategic move. At Bellringer, we combine industry expertise with a commitment to your business’s unique needs and goals. Our approach is not just about managing ads; it’s about driving tangible growth and success for your business.

Tailored Strategies: We offer customized PPC strategies that resonate with your target audience and align with your specific business objectives.

Continuous Optimization: Our team continuously monitors and optimizes your campaigns for peak performance.

Transparent Reporting: You’ll receive clear, concise reports that show you exactly how your investment is performing.

Let Bellringer be your partner in navigating the PPC landscape. Contact us today to embark on a journey toward maximized ROI, reduced workload, and greater business success. Your journey to exceptional digital advertising results starts here with Bellringer.

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